Contributions to Science
Novel Coronavirus
Dr. Goldsmith contributed to research on the health and safety protocols of coronavirus transmission for the National Association of Theatre Owners. His work included presenting a written expert declaration to be used in New Jersy Federal Court, and contributing to the CinemaSafe initiative, a public health effort by Regal Cinemas to provide safer public spaces for customers.
Silica Dust
Dr. Goldsmith pioneered research in demonstrating silica dust exposure was linked to cancer, auto-immune disease, kidney ailments, and non-silicosis respiratory diseases. Silica dust was recognized in 1996 as a known human carcinogen by IARC. States and countries that adopted policy based on Dr. Goldsmith’s research:
North Carolina
Dr. Goldsmith provided expert opinion on the health and safety protocols regarding asbestos in the construction industry. He demonstrated construction companies were following protocol and protecting their workers and citizens in nearby areas. His work included:
Acting as a lab coordinator to test for airborne asbestos
Risk assessment for indoor exposure
Note: Watch 2018 ICOH presentation detailing health effects of asbestos and other railroad exposures here
Dr. Goldsmith consulted with investment companies related to the use of PFAS/PFOS chemicals (or Teflon) in various industries. He interpreted evidence demonstrating that PFAS/PFOS is an occupational and environmental hazard, and the lack of any EPA standard to guide clean-up.
In use in multi-district litigation
Contributed to changes on military uses for firefighting
Dr. Goldsmith worked with colleagues in the National Academy Medicine and UCDavis, on the role of pesticides in cancer risks and to create effective pesticide policies. His research protected the wellbeing of farmworkers and Native American communities, as well as informed the general public in several countries including:
The United States
Schedule a complimentary consultation with Dr. Goldsmith to learn more or inquire about another subject area.
List of Publications
Goldsmith DF and Reindel R. Are silicosis and silica-related illnesses becoming diseases with ethnic disparities? Epidemiology 22 (supplement) in press (abstract).
Goldsmith DF and Rury K. Bedbug, mice and rat complaints and pesticide use among Washington DC residents by neighborhood: GIS analysis. Epidemiology 22 (supplement) in press (abstract).
Goldsmith DF and Hillsberg BS. Environmental disease disparities among American Indians, Epidemiology 22 (supplement) in press (abstract)
Goldsmith D and Peterson M. Military working dogs and pets as sentinels of environmental diseases Epidemiology 22 (supplement), S263-264 (abstract).
Goldsmith D, Davidson P, Paulson J. Pesticide health effects and health perceptions among Washington DC residents. Epidemiology 22 (supplement), S175 (abstract).
Guidotti TL, Calhoun T, Davies-Cole JO, Knuckles ME, Stokes L, Glymph C, Lum G, Moses MG, Goldsmith DF, Ragain L. Elevated Lead in Drinking Water in Washington, DC, 2003-2004: The Public Health Response. Environmental Health Perspectives, 115: 695-701.
Goldsmith DF and Dellarco M. Risks and Precautionary Policies Related to Naturally Occuring Asbestos. Epidemiology 18 (Supplement) S 154 (abstract).
Goldsmith DF and Dellarco M. Asbestos Control Methods for Building Demolition: Community and Worker Protection Epidemiology 18 (Supplement) S 155 (abstract)
Greer MA and Goldsmith DF. Comparison of Disease Risks Between Amorphous and Crystalline Silica. Epidemiology 18 (Supplement) S158 (abstract).
Goldsmith DF and Cromwell JL. Estimating possible bias in occupational epidemiology studies of silicosis and lung cancer using meta-analysis. American Journal of Epidemiology 163 (Supplement):S217 (abstract).
Mills PK, Riordan DG, Cress RD, Goldsmith DF. Hormone Replacement Therapy and Invasive and borderline Epithelial Ovarian Cancer Risk. Cancer Detection and Prevention, 29:124-132.
Goldsmith DF. Review of Occupational Risk Assessments of Respirable Crystalline Silica Exposure to Support a Revision of OSHA’s Silica Dust Standard. Draft Submitted to Occupational Safety and Health Administration, February 27.
Goldsmith DF, Young, HA, Mills, PK, Riordan D Talc use and ovarian cancer Risk among Women in Central Valley of California. La Medicina del Lavoro 93: (Supplement) S 32-33 (abstract).
Forastiere F, Goldsmith DF, Sperati A, Rapiti E, Miceli M, Cavariani F, Perucci CA. Silicosis and Lung Function Decrements among Female Ceramic Workers in Italy. American Journal of Epidemiology 156:851-856.
Goldsmith DF and Rose SG. Establishing Causation with Epidemiology In Guidotti TL and Rose SG (Editors) Science on the Witness Stand: Evaluating Scientific Evidence in Law, Adjudication and Policy, OEM Press, Beverly Farms, Mass., pp.57-78.
Zucca EA and Goldsmith DF Drinking Water Sources and Diarrhea in Texas Colonias. American Journal of Epidemiology 153:S132 (abstract).
Goldsmith DF. Disease risks related to pesticide exposure/crop protection activities. In Kuhl M, Schmitz PM and Wiegand S (eds.) Cost-Benefit Analysis of Crop Protection. Proceedings of an International Workshop in Leipzig, Germany, September 7-9, 1999, pp. 152-157.
Goldsmith D. Symposium Overview—Pesticides, Indians, and artifacts. Epidemiology 11: S161 (abstract).
Goldsmith DF. Linking Environmental Cancer with Occupational Epidemiology Research: The Role of the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC). Journal of Environmental Pathology, Toxicology and Oncology 19: 1&2: 171-175.
Goldsmith DF. Research and policy implications of IARC’s classification of silica as a group 1 carcinogen. Indoor+Built Environment 8:136-142.
Rapiti E, A Sperati, M Miceli, F Forastiere, D Di Lallo, F Cavariani, DF Goldsmith, CA Perucci. End-stage Renal Disease among Silica-exposed Ceramic Workers. Occupational and Environmental Medicine. 56:559-561.
Hoskins JA, DF Goldsmith (Editors). Health Implications of Silica in the Built Environment. Indoor + Built Environment 8:75-148.
Goldsmith DF. A Critical Review of the Evidence Relating Silica Exposure and Disease Risk to Support a Revision of OSHA’s Silica Dust Standard. Draft Submitted to Occupational Safety and Health Administration, September 30.
Goldsmith DF. Epidemiology Research Prospects Linking Pesticide Exposures and Cancer Risks. Reviews in Toxicology 2: 17-36.
Sisneros GC and Goldsmith DF. Lowering barriers to cancer screening among Hispanic females in California. Proceedings of the U.S.-Mexico Border Conference on Women’s Health, Salud Sin Fronteras/Health Without Borders, September 26-28, 1995, pp 17-19. NIH Publication No. 98-4295, National Cancer Institute, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Public Health Service, National Institutes of Health, August.
Goldsmith DF and I Hertz-Picciotto. Criteria for Conducting Quantitative Risk Assessments for Silica. Journal of Exposure Analysis and Environmental Epidemiology 7:367-375.
Ruble R and DF Goldsmith. Ambient PM-10 Sources: Contributions and Impact on Silica Emissions. Journal of Exposure Analysis and Environmental Epidemiology 7:327-344.
Goldsmith DF, JS Gift, and LD Grant (Editors). Silica Risk Assessments. Journal of Exposure Analysis and Environmental Epidemiology 7:265-395.
Goldsmith DF. Importance of Causation for Interpreting Occupational Epidemiology Research: A Case Study of Quartz and Cancer. Occupational Medicine: State of the Art Reviews. 11:433-449.
Goldsmith DF and GS Sisneros. Cancer Prevention Strategies among California Farmworkers: Preliminary Findings. Journal of Rural Health. 12:343-348.
McCurdy SA, T Ferguson, DF Goldsmith, JE Parker, MB Schenker. Respiratory Health of California Rice Farmers. American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine. 153:1553-1559.
Goldsmith DF and JR Goldsmith. Joint Cancer Risks among Workers Having Silica and Radon Exposures. International Conference on Radiation and Health, Beer Sheva, Israel. Public Health Reports (abstract)
Goldsmith DF Comparing Cancer Incidence of Hispanics between Regions of California. Epidemiology 7:S80 (abstract).
Gift J and Goldsmith DF. Ambient Levels and Noncancer Health Effects of Inhaled Crystalline and Amorphous Silica. Health Issue Assessment for Office of Research and Development, U.S Environmental Protection Agency, Washington DC (EPA/600/R-95/115), November.
Goldsmith DF. Comparing Human and Animal Extrapolations for Cancer Potency of Airborne Crystalline Silica: Implications for PM-10 Risk Determinations. Inhalation Toxicology 7:817-818 (abstract).
Goldsmith DF, GR Wagner, U Saffiotti, J Rabovsky, and J Leigh (Editors). Special Issue of the Second International Symposium on Silica, Silicosis, and Cancer. Scandinavian Journal of Work, Environment and Health. 21 (Suppl 2) 1-117.
Steenland K and DF Goldsmith. Silica Exposure and Autoimmune Diseases. American Journal Industrial Medicine. 28:603-608.
Goldsmith DF, JJ Beaumont, LA Morrin, MB Schenker. Respiratory Cancer and Other Chronic Disease Mortality among Silicotics in California. American Journal of Industrial Medicine. 28:459-467.
Goldsmith DF. Risk Assessment Applied to Environmental Medicine, In Brooks SM, M Gochfeld. J Herzstein, RJ Jackson, MB Schenker (Editors) Environmental Medicine, Mosby-Year Book, Inc., St. Louis, MO, pp. 30-36.
Goldsmith DF, JJ Beaumont, LA Morrin, MB Schenker. Tuberculosis Mortality among Workers with Silicosis and Other Occupational Lung Diseases: Follow-up of a Registry of California Workers’ Compensation Claimants. Infection Control and Hospital Epidemiology 15:768 (abstract).
Goldsmith DF. Silica Exposure and Pulmonary Cancer, In Samet, JM (Editor) Epidemiology of Lung Cancer, Marcel Dekker, Inc. New York, pp. 245-298.
McCurdy SA, ME Hanson, CP Weisskopf, RL Lopez, F Schneider, J Spencer, JR Sanborn, RI Kreiger, BW Wilson, DF Goldsmith, and MB Schenker. Assessment of Azinphosmethyl Exposure in California Peach Harvest Workers. Archives of Environmental Health, 49:289-296.
Goldsmith JR and DF Goldsmith. Fiberglass or Silica exposure and increased nephritis or end-stage renal disease. American Journal of Industrial Medicine 23:873-881.
Goldsmith, DF. Agricultural health hazards. Western Journal of Medicine 148: 80-81.
Goldsmith, DF and CM Shy. An epidemiologic study of respiratory health effects in a group of North Carolina furniture workers. Journal of Occupational Medicine 30: 959-965.
Goldsmith DF. International Agency for Research on Cancer. Volume 42. IARC Monograph on the Evaluation of the Carcinogenic Risk of Chemicals to Humans-Silica and Some Silicates, pp. 96-143.
Goldsmith, DF. Calculating cancer latency using data from a nested case-control study of prostatic cancer. Journal of Chronic Diseases 40(2): 119S-123S.
Goldsmith, DF and TL Guidotti. Combined Silica Exposure and Cigarette Smoking: A Likely Synergistic Effect. In Goldsmith, DF, DM Winn, and CM Shy, (Editors). Silica, Silicosis, and Cancer: Controversy in Occupational Medicine. Praeger: New York, pp. 451-459.
Goldsmith, DF, DM Winn, and CM Shy, (Editors). Silica, Silicosis, and Cancer: Controversy in Occupational Medicine. Praeger: New York, 536 pages.
Goldsmith, DF. Chapter VIII: Silica Exposed Workers. In The Health Consequences of Smoking. Cancer and Chronic Lung Disease in the Workplace. A Report of the Surgeon General, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Rockville, MD, pp. 341-348.
Goldsmith, DF, TL Guidotti, and DR Johnston. Does Occupational Exposure to Silica Cause Lung Cancer? American Journal of Industrial Medicine 3: 423-440.
Goldsmith, DF. Calculation of Potential Bias in the Odds Ratio Illustrated by a Study of Saccharin Use and Bladder Cancer. Environmental Research 27: 298-306.
Goldsmith, DF, AH Smith, and AJ McMichael. A Case Control Study of Prostate Cancer among a Cohort of Rubber and Tire Workers. Journal of Occupational Medicine 22: 533-541.